Just Another Little Thing, Hanging Over Your Head

In 2019, this work was displayed as part of Tiffany’s capstone project finishing her BFA at OCAD University at Grad Ex 104.

Destruction is a form of creation

Creating a memorial usually signifies the end of something significant. I firmly believe beginnings and endings are synonymous. My body, my memories, and my written histories are mortal; just as my death is inevitable.

In an effort to actively create from my archive and create a living memorial for my past-now present self, I examine old written poetic works, creating new notes and words, and bring these prevalent phrases to ephemeral material.  Material is written in lines that hang and come together in knots, and torn paper on the floor. I shred, tear, and coat the material in opaque wax and black ink to hold it together, preserve collections of words, and conceal segments. In this work, I work with themes of memory decay and preservation, revealing and concealing my poetic thoughts and narrative as it grows and changes with me.  

“You have to see something for it to ever be considered art” she said,

my loss was invisible.

 “I dreamed of dying, it was painful

I remembered then,

after seeing the world from a distance,

That I used to be a ghost.”

Images by Tiffany Tremaine


Visual Poetry